2023 Auto World XTraction Release 1 SC401 Automotive Icons

It says a lot about a car design and even more about an icon, when you can recognize a vehicle from the make and model and instantly know, “Hey! That’s the car from that TV show!” Auto World’s new series, “Automotive Icons” will focus on those makes and models that are recognized for their lasting impact on our culture and memories. The first release (SC401) will be a “Hobby Exclusive” and available through hobby retailers. The first series includes some very recognizable cars, even if they are dressed a bit informally here. Anytime we can get a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T, 1971 Plymouth Satellite and a Jeep CJ-5 added to our stables it’s a good thing. This release is riding on the XTraction Ultra G chassis with the well known pancake design. Let’s get a closer look at this release.

#1 1969 Dodge Charger R/T – Hemi Orange

#2 1971 Plymouth Satellite – Curious Yellow/Black Strobe Stripes

#3 1979 Jeep CJ-5 – White/Gold “Dixie”

Here’s the packaging to look for at your favorite hobby retailer.

Here are some more shots of the cars in this release.

This new series has some serious potential and I’m looking forward to see where Auto World takes it. They have several existing tools that can be decked out into some of our favorite automotive heroes and villains from the world of television and movies. Look for this “Hobby Exclusive” at your favorite hobby retailer in May 2023.