It’s Friday night and you just arrived at the local figure eight track and are ready for a little fender bending action. The thrills of seeing the cars race around the curves and then dare their fate through the “X” crossing and take off to run the next lap. The near misses and of course the collisions make this form of racing full of nail biting excitement. You can capture that excitement in your living room with the new Auto World CrossTrax Race Set (SRS351). This is great entry level set and brings the thrills and spills of Figure 8 racing into your H.O. scale world. The set comes with two 4-Gear race cars decked out in the 1970’s Ford Mustang and Plymouth Barracuda body work and are ready to dare the “X” crossing lap after lap. Let’s see what comes in the set.

Here’s the parts list with everything that comes in the box.

Here’s the track layout with the “X” crossing. The layout fits in a 4 foot by 3 foot area. Great for small spaces or for that first slot racer just getting started.

The CrossTrax Race Set comes with color coded controllers and a standard fixed voltage power pack.

Here are a couple of group shots of the 1970 Ford Mustang and 1970 Plymouth Barracuda. Both cars are equipped with the Auto World 4-Gear chassis.
1970 Ford Mustang – Bright Red #49

1970 Plymouth Barracuda – Bright Blue #28

The action can get crazy with the “X” crossing in play. You need to time that lap if you want to avoid a crash or maybe cause one!

The CrossTrax Race Set is ideal for new or younger slot car racers. The size of the layout and fun of the “X” crossing will keep the excitement of racing for hours of fun. Auto World’s new CrossTrax Race Set (SRS351) will hit the shelves in the May 2023. Look for it at your local hobby shop or favorite web store.